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Old 09-08-2009, 05:34 PM   #11
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: any suggestions on reducing the CPU Big plays?

Originally Posted by Radioactiveman
I would bet that it is that way because everyone, at one point, complained that the game doesn't produce realistic results. They create a game that produces realistic results and everyone complains about control (or lack there of).

Unless EA makes two games or gives control to the player with an uber amount of sliders that can not only change the success/fail rate of a given elemant of the game but can also change the physics (player response time to user input, passing accurancy, eleminate player momentum to name a couple) the complaining will never stop.
It wouldn't need to do so if they had a real physics engine, actually tried to mimic the NFL as close as they could (EA only tries to out do its last years game instead on trying to replicate actual football), Update instead of tweak the Madden AI, and I can go on and on......... They need not to try to make everyone happy instead give respect to the beautiful game that is NFL Football!!!!!
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