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Old 09-28-2009, 09:03 PM   #110
noshun's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 10 Screenshots: Starting 5 Player Faces

Most of these are passible. But the bad ones stand out. Haywood looks like Dave Chappelle. Dampier hasnt had hair in how long? He looks like hes gonna cry too. Monte Ellis...someone please get Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine immediately. Bibby has that Mr. Magoo face, hes always sad looking.
Wow what happened to the Knicks.... they all look bad. Troy Murphy looks like Squidworth. Rose looks nothing like him, Monte, Roy, Kmart Granger are all too dark. CP3 looks like Pookie from New Jack City. They did Wilcox?Sjaxdirty.
Most of the white guys look a lot better than last years. Whew they fixed Dirk, he doesnt look like Nick Nolte this year.
The very dark players like Zbo, Deng, Haslem, Kurt Thomas look like they belong in RE5 not this game. Wade/Calderon/KevMart/Kidd are spot on. Seems both games have a lot of misses more than hits.

Edit: After looking thru them again, they look Looney Tunish as well.
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

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Last edited by noshun; 09-28-2009 at 09:43 PM.
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