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Old 10-23-2009, 04:22 PM   #15
KillRoy's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Jan 2003
Re: Convince 2K Sports to make another Football game ?

Originally Posted by TheWatcher
You know why they didn't make a good profit off of APF? Because they sunk so much money into signing individual legends to contracts.

What I don't understand is why didn't they just hire ONE quarterback and name the product after him? Why payout all that money for so many names? Why not just payout money for a guy like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady and just name the game after one of these guys. Like call it... 'Peyton Manning Pro Quarterback' or something like this. And heavily modify the 2k engine and make a new type of game thats a little more passer friendly. Or whatever they choose to do... we've played the 2k game, why not create something a little different?

Personally, if it was up to me, I would scrap the 2k football game for a while and make a really cool highly detailed 2D football game that can be downloaded off of Xbox Live Arcade or Wiiware. And give it an online franchise where people can trade players, play against each other and it tracks your stats over the course of like 5-10 seasons. People are still showing some interest in the 2D games that are being sold on Xbox Live and Wiiware. I'm surprised that some game company hasn't made one yet.
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