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Old 11-05-2009, 02:49 PM   #74
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Re: NBA Live 10 Title Update Details

Originally Posted by Court_vision
To clarify...and I've said this a dozen times now.

There is nothing wrong with the USER fasbtraks. You can push the tempo, run the break all day. Nothing is wrong. I can score 20+ FB points a game if I want to run.

The issue is the CPU...the CPU AI rarely push the ball, almost always neglect the open court in favour of setting up a play.

So...the user has an enormous advantage.

I almost feel like it's time for seperate impression threads. One for fellas playing v the CPU.

And one for online or v friends.

Because the issues etc are pretty much completely seperate. The FBs are fine for the user. They are very poor by the CPU.
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter

Theres so much more to basketball then smooth offensive sets and jumpers man...The half court game is just that....HALF of the sport....I realize this may be hard to replicate without it being abused in video games....but I cant blame anyone who want to see the more atheletic side of the game...its a part of bball....its a apart of the "sim" experience..
They fixed this in the patch, check the impressions thread, I posted four videos from one game of the CPU Thunder pushing the ball and running fast breaks against me. Default All-Star as well.

I wonder if the issue was in the "recognize fastbreak opportunity" attribute, I tried globally editing it pre-patch up to 99 for everyone and nothing happened. Maybe they corrected or activated that attribute in the patch. Either way, whatever they did it worked.
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Last edited by ehh; 11-05-2009 at 03:20 PM.
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