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Old 02-05-2010, 04:58 PM   #20
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Developer Diary Video #1 (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Phobia
The funny thing is I am in BB corner hoping for it to be a great game. But I am also a football fan first and seeing some of the off X's and O's is a red flag to me so I state what I see wrong. Not in a attempt to bash the game but to bring to light some of the issues.

I think some people are just so closed minded they don't understand what it is to converse on a topic. In their little world someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong.

My perception of BB still stands though. I think the tech is going to be amazing and will push sports games in a direction we have always hoped for. But Backbreaker won't be the football game to take people away from 2k5 or Madden.

Ultimately the weight and physics of the Euphoria engine will break the defensive side of the game. Having a CB turn at the wrong moment bringing them out the play, having a linebacker take the wrong angle to the flats (ala Madden 10, just a single step can ruin a game and madden does not have true physics and it killed the flats), etc.

I think to many of these guys are not looking at this from the correct angle and when they get the game in their hands and go online and someone is using exploits to beat them they are going to be the same people going to the BB forums crying about a broken game.

I am more realistic in my expectations. I expect a amazing use of tackles, broken tackles, and FUN game. But I am also expecting a ton of fundamentals of FOOTBALL to be off that will hurt the online portion of the game.
I'm hoping it does very well too. It pushes the envelope in football gaming.

If I'm wrong, I stand corrected, but when I saw the QB's passing the ball, I thought it appeared that the QB's threw the ball without momentum.

Maybe my eyesight is going on me, though.
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