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Old 02-05-2010, 09:44 PM   #52
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2008
Re: Backbreaker Developer Diary Video #1 (Gamespot)

You cant help but to be impressed with the job they did with this game with only what 8 people making the game I think they said. How many work on Madden,50 and they still can get it right. I just pray the customisation is as deep as they say it is. When someone says they'll give us Forza customisation,then they have to let us edit players names,appearances,team names,pretty much everything we need to recreate the NFL or NCAA if we wanted.

That was the one thing that really disappointed me with All Pro 2k8 was the lack of customisation cuz they said they didnt want to upset the NFL,well it didnt matter cuz they extended the license anyway. I think they should of went all out anyways. They put celebrations with guys taking a dump,mooning you,giving the ball CPR and countless other priceless, That alone probably made the NFL mad. Oh well,hopefully we get another 2k some time and another BB cuz I'm tired of Madden just trying to sell us the game instead of making real football.
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