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Old 03-05-2010, 07:05 AM   #10
OVR: 12
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Toronto
Re: Will there be roster updates for PSP?

i knew long before the game came out that there would be no online or live updates through the PSP

so did a lot of other people on this forum, so it is possible to find that info if you take the time to research...

i think the only reason they took it out was that they wanted to use more servers for the PS3 version, to improve the online performance... which they have done without question

Originally Posted by tfigs121
The point is that is was in the game for the past several years and this year it is taken out. As a consumer, and loyal fan, I would like to know why. And also, how many people, have bought this game, for the ability to go online and for the roster updates, only to be dissappointed and out $40 when they find out it can't be done. And yeah, for many of us, roster updates are extremely important.

Would you buy a car today that no longer had anti-lock brakes? Years ago, people drove that way too.

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