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Old 03-26-2010, 04:54 PM   #44
OVR: 26
Join Date: Oct 2006
Re: 40 Fixes for NBA 2K11 (Part I)

Originally Posted by Joka2122
Where I can agree that basketball is not a collision sport, I would have to disagree that certain aspects of the game isn't collision related. While in the paint, you mentioned that "players tend to try the best to AVOID" contact in the paint. Honestly man you have to do you research of a basketball game. Having been shooting guard playing organized basektball, I would drive the lane with that purpose... to draw a foul... especially in game winning situations. To that statement is out of the question. Although there is some validity to your statement as it stands that it might not be the primary issue of the sport of basketball.
Dude, no disrespect... but you're not in the NBA. This isn't Lindberg High School 2K10.

Even on the rare occasion that the offensive player seeks out contact, the defender usually jumps with him, but doesn't go CRASHING into him. He'll usually jump straight up or sometimes even backwards, away from the shooter.

I'm not the one that needs to do NBA game research. 2K is.
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