A game is a game, the fact that you add sports in front of it changes nothing.
They could code the break tackles in there and it would have ProTak pretty much from the ground up, albeit without the silly 9 man group hugs. If anyone has the video or the post where Ian talks about Euphoria and says it won't work, I'd definitely like to read it. Because that's pure bull. It might be that they can't plug it in to the existing system, which could be true based on the way their game works with the motion capture / rendering / game logic and such. Euhporia might not be a plug and play library, but something you build from the ground up upon. I'm sure there's a LOT of pressure to not rebuild Madden from management who wants to keep costs down (remember, EA said they put less money into research for sports game than any other segment), but to keep building on what they have used for the last 15 years and just make it better.