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Old 04-26-2010, 07:17 PM   #38
stlstudios189's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Toledo, OH
Blog Entries: 26
Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Online is too hardcore for me to enjoy. I played some online a while back and NEVER won a football game ever. I forget my record but, it's like 0-13 avg score 47-7 Nascar was fun for me. It's frustrating when I do go online and the only guys I can find are 400-34 when the games been out for 5 days man get a life.. Then when you are losing to a cheeser he is running his mouth talking trash saying things like "all day baby"
Gaming hard since 1988

I have won like 20 Super Bowls in Madden so I am kinda a big deal.
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