
350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

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Old 04-26-2010, 06:41 PM   #33
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

I went online about 80 times. On ps2 it was around 400 times per year.
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Old 04-26-2010, 06:59 PM   #34
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Originally Posted by jeremym480

Also, I wonder if this counts people who just went online to get roster's and never played any games online (like me).
I'm the same way, I haven't played online in Madden since 2008. I was just sick of how terrible that game was IMO online and I've only went online to get the rosters from '08-'10.
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:07 PM   #35
lolfalconsbeatu's Arena
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Well I practically only play online, and to me it would be the nano blitzes that cant be stopped as a reason why people stop going Online for the most part. On PS2, it used to be disconnection glitches/freeze glitches, and just many ways to make the online experience just unenjoyable.

Nowadays, there is not much lag or d/c glitches, its just stuff like:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYIHiW4_HPE

..but that can be corrected with just better OLine intelligence. That kind of stuff spreads like wildfire, and can really suck for someone going online for the first time dealing with that kind of nonsense.

In a nutshell -- Its the gameplay that leaves exploits (such as the Nano blitz above) for people to abuse, fix those, and you fix a lot of people's opinion of Online.
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:07 PM   #36
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

I feel like this number can be pretty skewed though.
People who rented the game for instance.

I was on only once on 360, but thats because my disc broke.
Im sure there was at least ONE other person who had that happen
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:10 PM   #37
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Roster updates
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:17 PM   #38
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Online is too hardcore for me to enjoy. I played some online a while back and NEVER won a football game ever. I forget my record but, it's like 0-13 avg score 47-7 Nascar was fun for me. It's frustrating when I do go online and the only guys I can find are 400-34 when the games been out for 5 days man get a life.. Then when you are losing to a cheeser he is running his mouth talking trash saying things like "all day baby"
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:35 PM   #39
SteelerSpartan's Arena
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Yeah I played 2-3 games with my bud and that was it

Not hanging around to play Cheesers with the code still so shaky
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:39 PM   #40
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Re: 350,000 Played Madden NFL 10 Online Once, Then Never Went Online Again

Originally Posted by Boregard
You wanna know why, here;

more lag
online franchise sucked
more lag
more glitchers
nano blitz
more lag
lack of control (applies offline as well)
more glitchers
and finally how about some lag that makes you badly miss a 20yd game
winning FG attempt!!!!
Not to mention the fact that slow speed is mandatory. I think that is the main reason. No one, and I mean no one, that I know plays on slow speed. I know 10 people with Madden and they all play on normal speed. When they go online, they get this slowed down game that they're not used to. It's very frustrating playing a slowed down game when you're used to the normal speed. That's why they stopped and that's why I stopped. I'm pretty sure that's why the majority stopped. This article explains it all.


The hot topic last week was the speed change last week and EA asking for feedback from the community. There were multiple polls on Madden fan sites everywhere, from Operation Sports to VSN, and even on the EA forum itself. The polls showed that more people preferred the “Normal” speed mode but that didn’t stop EA from making the following statement:

Hey guys,

Online game speed has clearly been a hot topic not just here on our board, but across the community in the last week. The dev team has taken a lot of care in evaluating their recent test and have made a decision on how this will be addressed.

After running a test with the default game speed set to Slow and reviewing the thousands of messages we’ve received from our fans, we’ve decided to leave the default game speed online at Slow. This setting matches the default setting used in offline games and provides the ideal combination of fun gameplay and the most accurate simulation of NFL football.

We know there are different views about this and we encourage everyone to post their thoughts in this thread in a manner that is respectful to others’ opinions. We do reserve the right to remove comments that aren’t forum appropriate, so let’s use some care in replying to each other and we can have a constructive conversation about this.



which caused this:

The EA forum is littered with 9 plus pages of guys spouting off that they want their money back because Ian Cummings and EA said that online play would be set to “normal” game speed and it was. Now that it has changed many consumers are pissed and say that is false advertisement and they want their money back and they are not playing Madden again. I don’t believe those guys for one second but I do believe that they have a valid point of EA saying one thing and then changing is 2 weeks after launch.
Most people that play online know what to expect. They know they're gonna get some cheesers and they know they're going to see some cheaters. This is nothing new. It's been like that since the game went online. So I really doubt 350,000 people went online and was surprised by what they saw. What they may have been surprised, and ultimately turned off by, was a slow game that felt nothing like the game that they had been playing for 2 weeks online and off.

On OS, EA did a poll and it was about a 50/50 split for normal and slow online, but other sites were heavily in favor of normal over slow. In most threads that I saw, The slow supporters thought normal was ok, but thought slow was better. You hardly ever saw someone say thanks to the slow speed, I can play this game again. On the flip side though, the normal supporters hated slow speed. They didn't think it was ok at all. So what do you think is going to happen when EA makes it mandatory to play on slow speed? People are going to stop playing online. I played about 2 or 3 games after the switch to slow, then dropped out of the online franchise I was in and traded the game in. I had no use for the game if the only mode that I played extensively, had a game speed that I found horrible. I've since picked the game back up and play offline franchise on normal or play head to head on normal, but rarely will you ever see me play online. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. So, if EA is wondering about this, they need only look in the mirror and they will find the reason why so many people left online.
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Last edited by splff3000; 04-26-2010 at 07:42 PM.
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