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Old 04-26-2010, 09:45 PM   #33
Palo20's Arena
OVR: 21
Join Date: Dec 2006
Re: Defensive Ends and OLB's

Originally Posted by Droopy03
There really needs to be a puch up the middle. The problem is that the DT will engaged and then there moves are so low they can't get to QB. But if they where simply there to puch the pocket they possiblay xould get a coverage sack or a sack from the QB having to step up in the pocket.
I've actually seen DTs get most of the sacks because they have good BSH and good Power moves. They're also closer to the QB and seem to peel off and make the majority of the sacks.

I completely agree that the good DTs should mostly push the pocket and disrupt the play that way.
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