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Old 06-09-2010, 04:44 PM   #78
swaldo's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Review

Originally Posted by mestevo
This is a flawed view though, people are reviewing the game in the packaging, not the game that it could be after a patch, or after half a decade of refinement.
I partly disagree. If someone were to tell you that BB was a one time deal- take it or leave it then I don't think anyone would buy the game based off it's existing flaws. As a sports gamer I want to know where this thing is going in the future? Is this just a tech demo put out for EA? Was there any effort to make this a sim or is it just an arcade game? Are the developers active and listen & support the community? Do they have the capability to compete with bigger players?

The BB team confirmed they are starting work on BB2 so that's a plus. You just have to factor in how many flaws you can tolerate and decide if it's something you want to support. The average consumer reading the review will get an impression that it's a lousy game. Is it so bad to say look folks, the gameplay has some glaring issues. However, it has this revolutionary new animation system so it really has some crazy potential!

If the game was totally unplayable it would be a different story, I'm not going to just make a $50 donation for something I won't play at all. But there's enough there for me to want to support it and a patch could do wonders.
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