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Old 06-21-2010, 06:19 PM   #18
GrandMaster B
GrandMaster B's Arena
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Re: Things that would make NHL 11 a must-buy

Originally Posted by Poro24
Presentation has been the same since 07. Graphics have been the same since 07. Arenas have been the same since 07. EU leagues don't have real arenas, EU league players don't have real faces. Even some NHL stars don't have a real face. And this is just pure lazyness by EA.

EA should look what 2K did to their arenas in 2K10. Every small detail was there.
Agree 100%. Don't the arenas in NBA Live (now Elite) have more of a distinct feel to them? And the presentation is also better. Why can't that be brought over into the hockey game. I understand that there are two different divisions working on the games, but that is where sometimes EA falters. I would like more of a co-operation with both teams, especially on the presentation side, to make the little details as realistic as possible.
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