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Old 07-29-2010, 08:56 PM   #48
Randiesel75's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Patch #2 Update (EA Sports Blog)

Originally Posted by mavfan21
Patches download as soon as the game is inserted and you're prompted to accept.

These tuner sets will likely be files you'll have to go online to get. You'll need to start the game, go to the EA online news hub thingy or start an online game or access an online dynasty and get it.
Correct, but like NHL (assuming you're already signed into XBL), once the game has loaded and is sitting at the default dashboard, you'll have a tuner set icon that would appear. The user can then choose to download and play with the new tuner set. While not as robust as what would be contained in a typical patch, tuner sets offer a simple way for EA to introduce minor refinements for certain game settings that do not need a full patch download.
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