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Old 09-04-2010, 05:25 AM   #6
OVR: 13
Join Date: Dec 2007
Re: Why I have to get NBA Elite 11

Originally Posted by tmactic
If for $60 dollars I get to play a BBall game the is really about skills and total control I will take it. I have played BBall video games all my life so I have seen it all trust me. Up until this point it has always been hit the right button at the right time and see what happens. Play with the better team hit the button and get more bang for your buck. I played my brother tonight in a game of 2k10 with the 2k11 rosters. I really noticed how much I had no control of what was going on after I hit the button. My brother was playing with the Celtics and there was a play where I missed a shot and after the shot the ball is loose and going out of bounds. One of his players which he is not controlling dives and save the ball passing it to one of his team mates...C'mon son!!! I was thinking one of my players had zero chance to get that wild pass thrown back into play by a diving cpu player in a two player match. Wack!!! I say let me be in control of that player who makes that diving pass to keep the ball in play and let every player on the court have a true chance to control that pass through court position. I know there is alot of hate out there right now for Elite. We have been waiting to see the goods and after the videos we did not see that flash that rules in 2k. It's that same flash that you really don't have any control over but looks great. I downloaded the NHL 11 demo tonight and the stick controls felt great and the graphics were awsome. I don't even play hockey games. I think EA is on to something that may put them far ahead of the comp and maybe even run the comp out of town in time. EA is a monster who has been running this sports video game thing all my life. I would not bet against them to take it to the next level. If NBA Elite is trash I will be the first one to tell you but I think they are about to shake things up with this one.
Hey bud, I like this post alot, I really do, all we have seen so far is videos, and those ones are not even that good, short and with horrible camera view, I think there are just 5-6 things I dislike about the game last year, I am not really picky about EVERYTHING, I just want to have fun, those werid movements by the players in ELITE, I am cool with it honestly, as long as the gameplay is FUN, and having lots of controls in my hand will create lots of FUN I suppose right? I just played 2k10 using Bulls and many of the crossover moves by Rose or passes made by him are out of my hands man, what I mean is I didn't mean to do that move and the computer does everything for me and somehow I went from the freethrow line to underneath basket without knowing what happened because I DIDNT' CONTROL WHAT HE JUST DID, yea I did score a layup but it didn't feel right, I felt like the GAME PLAYED FOR ME IN THOSE FEW SECONDS! So yea I am with you bud, lets see WHAT ELITE11 IS ALL ABOUTTTT!
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