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Old 09-25-2010, 01:33 AM   #6
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Gosens6's Arena
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Re: What am I doing wrong?

The thing is with 2K basketball, unless you're a vet of the series, the controls will be incredibly hard for you to master at first. They aren't entirely responsive to begin with (Although this year has the best feel in a long time) but once you get down the moves, they become second nature to you.

I'm also assuming that when you said you can't get past your defender, that you're ISOing alot with certain players. Try and work the ball around, use dribble moves with good dribblers (Kobe is really the only elite dribbler the Lakers have) They run a very complicated offense in the triangle so Isolations (unless with Kobe and sometimes Odom) aren't really in the playbook. It's all about ball movement when it comes to them. Swinging that ball around and utilizing your inside out game with Pau and Bynum should open up the 3 point shots for Kobe, Ron and D Fish.

And yeah, shooting is a bit of a crapshot, but if you time the release at the height of your jump, you should be able to make a reasonable amount. Also, you have to know your players strengths and weaknesses. Kobe is an excellent midrange/fadeaway jumpshooter/slasher. You should really only be taking 3's with him when you have a significant amount of space to do so. Ron Artest and Derek Fisher are the guys you really want to get spot up 3's with.

For the dribble moves, again, it's going to be hard if you're not a 2K vet, what I suggest you do if you're buying the game is to go into practice mode and spend a few hours there. They give you lots of feedback and tutorial instructions, plus when you shoot they tell you if it's early, perfect, late, etc. 2K basketball this year at least, is simulation all the way. If you don't know your team or how to use them you will get burnt.

Just practice those controls though man, they aren't perfect, but trust me, you will get them down. I hope this helped and if there's anything else you need just ask..
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