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Old 10-07-2010, 04:48 AM   #91
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jun 2005
Re: It would be a total Buzz kill if Association mode is as broken...

Originally Posted by Fiasco West
Overall can't be lowered. It's greyed out. At least it is when you go into the edit at the start of the season.

I guess with lowering their potential so much you might have a shortage of great superstars, but I think that's how the league should be any ways. The guys coming in rated 80 and have over 90 potential should still develop into stars if you bump their potential down.
I could be wrong (haven't looked into editing draft classes for myself), but if you edit the individual skill ratings, the overall will fluctuate. I'm strictly speaking from common sense. I guess the question would be "Can you edit individual skill ratings?" If the answer is yes, then the overall rating should fluctuate.
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