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Old 10-07-2010, 09:48 AM   #54
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2005
2k needs to go and talk to the people at Konami and get some advice. EA had an exclusive FIFA license and Konami still made a soccer game because gameplay was most important. And the internet was not as accessible as it is now. Konami had the player likeness and not the player name. But they had an editing system in the game where you could edit the name on the jersey. uniforms were not exact but someone always created uniforms and you could actually download into the game. They created the shell and let the user finish the product. It would be even easier now for this to done because of the internet and consumers are able to upload and download roster so easily. I don't know if player likeness is a part of the NFL licensing. I would think not as long as it is not the players name.
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