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Old 10-14-2010, 05:39 PM   #94
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jan 2010
Re: Third Roster Update fixed gameplay?

Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I'm paying close attention to ballhandler penetration. In almost every instance, the ballhandler is getting by the defender at will. There isn't any fancy dribbling going on or anything like that. It's simply the ballhandler seeing an opening, and bursting into that open space.
This is exactly right, and how it should be represented in a basketball sim game.

What's stopping the ballhandler from getting easy points in the paint is the help defense.
This is exact right as well. Unfortunately, the help defense in 2K11 (even though improved over previous iterations) is still lacking quite a bit. This why I think people are complaining that it is easy to drive into the paint and dunk. Some complaints are misguided though. You should be able to drive past your man (even if he's a great onball defender) almost at will. What you should not be able to do at will is drive all the way to the basket. You should be met by help defense and in most cases, that help defense should be enough to force you to kick the ball out or dribble back out.

Adding onball defensive strength to the point where it is basically cheating the law of physics (as it is right now with the incredible lateral movement by the defense) is a terrible solution. The only solution is to improve the help defense logic.
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