03-01-2011, 11:19 PM
3X MLBTS Champion
OVR: 19
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: In a Baseball state of mind!!
Posts: 4,146
Re: MLB 2K11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (PS3/360)
Im reading a great deal about lag in the demo. now IMO this could be two-fold. first off this is a early build of the game as ALL demos are. they are no where near being a chunk of the final build. it seems like everyone always forgets that. they seem to think that this is how the game is going to come out. wrong!!
secondly how many of you are playing the game on a HDTV that has a GAME mode.. if so are you making sure to play this demo in that mode? if not you may be experiencing that lag due to not having your tv in the correct visual mode for it.
just my two cents.
"Baseball is life, without Baseball life itself ceases to exist." - Ken Sprague