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Old 03-07-2011, 04:57 PM   #33
Animal Liberation
EnigmaNemesis's Arena
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Originally Posted by bxgoods
The reason people are upset is mainly because we get thread on here every year asking the community to give uniform suggestions and for 2 years we haven't seen most of the requests.

Like its been saiid earlier in the thread, I think there wouldn't be any body getting upset if the developers would of said earlier in the year there aren't going to be many uniform changes. Instead of getting our hopes up by asking for community feedback and requests for throwbacks and then coming to find out most of the throwbacks are unchanged for the 3rd year in a row.
And who is to say those feedback threads are for the following year?

They can be for a process over time. And they have to prioritize their time with this game.

Not to mention they do not have access to unlimited throwbacks or information on them like you would think. I was told by one of the artists that getting proper "legal" information/sources on throwbacks is one of the hardest to get, since most old uniforms are not well cataloged like newer ones.

And sometimes(more often than not) they can't just go off of pictures taken from third party sources.

Legal terms, etc are more strict now than they have ever been. And you can not get away with things in games that have licensing like you could in '05 and before.

It is more complicated than people care to understand ultimately.
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