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Old 03-07-2011, 05:44 PM   #38
Animal Liberation
EnigmaNemesis's Arena
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Originally Posted by JustOpinions
this is always a frustrating topic, Im with those who are upset about the Toronto "T" hats still not being in the game. especially with the spring ones being there already. but who knows whose to blame, wether its MLB or SCEA letting SCEA know about it at least puts pressure on them to get it done in the next edition of the game.
When the fella said its unacceptable, hes right it really is, but if SCEA legitimitley cant do anything about it, than theres nothing to do but shrug shoulders i guess... point is easy on the people who get frustrated that there requests are not showing up. Its not as if certain things like this are game changers like the fans wont buy it if a certain hat isnt here or there. Just seems once somoeone expresses frustration theres always the "SCEA Police" to tear them a new one.
There is a difference between being frustrated and providing proper feedback, and being frustrated and calling the devs out asking if they watch any baseball.

Noone is "policing" constructive criticism.
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