Thread: CPU vs CPU
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:45 PM   #107
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: CPU vs CPU

Originally Posted by DaiYoung
Your stats look right in line with the results I'd expect given my slider experimentation tgreer. I think Power at 4 and Solid Hits at 4 is going to provide the closest approximation to MLB hitting numbers. I'm finding Power at 4/Solid Hits at 5 just a little too much.

If you were to lower Pitcher Consistency you would see more walks but also more wild pitches. I guess it just depends on how annoying you find wild pitches whether that is something you feel like doing. From my testing I don't believe lowering Pitcher Consistency has any tangible effect on hitting stats.

Here's an update on my trials through 33 contests. Quite a bit more offense in the 15 games since I last posted:

Averages are per team per game (2010 MLB in brackets)

AB 34.36 (34.02)
R 4.55 (4.38)
H 9.08 (8.76)

BB 3.20 (3.25)
K 7.14 (7.06)

2B 1.77 (1.75)
3B 0.20 (0.18)
HR 1.11 (0.95)

E 0.44 (0.62) 11 fielding errors, 18 throwing errors

SB 0.53 (0.61)
CS 0.18 (0.23)

WP 0.91 (0.34)
HBP 0.17 (0.32)
Nice! I say, if the trend continues, raise steal frequency a click, lower the success a click, and raise one or both of the errors a click and call it a day.

Then, maybe Knight would be so kind to provide us with a catcher re-rating formula...and you're done done done!!!

Great job! Are these the ones posted a page or two back?

Seriously, well done man! I may roll with these for my MOM games!
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