Thread: CPU vs CPU
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Old 03-24-2011, 06:46 PM   #187
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: CPU vs CPU

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Okay it's still early but it appears that the BR steal ability slider works contrary to intuition this year (again). I'm testing the slider at 10, and I'm seeing significantly more CS so far (23/37 success rate = 62%, way down from default). It's only 20 games, so I won't bet my saving account on it, but I'm willing to bet the entire Mets organization on it.

Just letting you know if you haven't been testing that particular slider.
That's good to know as I lowered mine to 3 in hope of more caught stealing. Now, I'll raise my setting to 7 or 8. Moving the slider even to maximum or minimum doesn't have a noticeable effect, which is the problem, you literally have to record stats to see the differences like you did. I remember last year, someone posted the slider was reversed and I was able to test it myself and confirm it only a few minutes of testing. The difference between 0 and 10 should be big enough to where you can see the difference just by watching a handful of steal attempts.
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