NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (If You Missed it, Videos Included)
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05-11-2011, 10:11 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: NCAA Football 12 Live Stream Available Now (IGN)
You can also call plays in supersim and you can advance your OD on a computer
Originally Posted by
For those of us who had to work or just weren't home, I read through the entire thread and this is what I noted from the comments:
Still a 70 player cap
Some teams still have generic entrances (Missouri was the team specifically noted)
Crowd presentation seems to be greatly improved
Crowd attendance (the actual visuals for it) will go up and down depending on your record
They said something about 120 alternate uniforms
RB doesn't get suctioned into o-lineman so you gotta watch your gap
A guy complained that in zone the linebacker is pack pedaling as fast as the slot WR is running
Play action is improved (quicker animation)
Shotgun running is improved (quicker handoffs)
Only one dreadlock length
Apparently the guy playing as Mizzou just dropped pack 15 yards every play (whatever?)
CPU QBs will now scramble more often when appropriate
Sounds like dive catching will be only user controlled the CPU wont do it
"trajectory upgraded" (what does that mean?)
No dynamic weather
Yes to broadcast camera angles
Tackles look a lot better (many posts on this)
End of quarter presentations look great
A few people say the dreads look terrible
Based on what they say a lot of people said pass rush wasn't really fixed and bouncing it outside still a bit too easy
Same slider settings and player ratings as NCAA 11 (meaning the number of different ratings and sliders wasnt expanded)
Apparently the guy from IGN played as Mizzou and he was a cheeseball, so they couldn't get a good feel for some of the imrovements
Speculation seems to say that Road To Glory got more attention than Dynasty this year
Retro Redemption - Starting over with a oldschool PowerBone Offense
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