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Old 05-17-2011, 09:04 AM   #430
elgreazy1's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Blog - Franchise Mode in Madden 12

I have been one of those 2K faithful who has been waiting for the Madden team to catch up with some Franchise features and based on what I'm reading and seeing I may give this game a shot - at least a rental. While I still may not be in love with the gameplay, it's simply been too long for a Franchise-head like myself to keep going with an NFL2K5 franchise mode, and if I really need the gameplay I can always go along with the (now growing) slightly stale 2K football engine of APF2K8. With that said, being a cheery-picker Madden customer - one who buys it on occassion - this one may seem like it's worth it.

I'm really hoping for good things out of this game in terms of Franchise. It's been a long time since I could simply sit back, relax, and spend hours starring at a screen full of numbers and figures while the wifey asks me, "Why the hell aren't you actually PLAYING the game?" She'll never understand. haha
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