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Old 05-23-2011, 05:17 PM   #93
hkwforAUTigers's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jan 2011
Re: Coach ratings are not in.

Originally Posted by TMJOHNS18
Isn't Dynasty already a coaching mode? Honestly, the whole CC they added this year is more or less just adding the ability to control your look (versus just changing your name) and adding the option to start as a coordinator, though once your HC it seems like it's back to the same Dynasty that it was before. There's more depth to the mode for sure, but it's not like in NCAA 11 you were just controlling a school or acting as an AD.

Big difference so far is that you can get fired in this years game lol.
Sort of what i was thinking. Since you cant control who your coordinaters are and must recruit for all the coaches on your team, couldnt you do this in 2011 by just simming either offense/defense and accepting jobs as you felt was realistsic?
As for the CPU having coaches and impacted games/teams: wont the best teams end up with the best coaches? therefor keeping the good teams good and the bad temas bad, which is what the CC aspect is supposed to lesson? Could somebody explain how this worked out in College Hoops 2K8? did the best teams just get the best coaches?
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