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Old 07-01-2011, 05:21 AM   #11
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: Ravens at Eagles on All-Madden in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by SteboSSK
Um no, no 350 lb DT is catching Vick running at any angle unless he is cornered...he was simply running straight back and was caught...
it didnt seem like the guy controlling Vick was using RT to scramble. Remember it has to be held down for the QB to run at full speed. Otherwise hes running at about half speed. The zig zaging also allowed him to close in easier.

that and lets be honest, neither one of those guys could pass for crap. running all over when most of the time the pockets was fine, throwing directly into coverage....their skills werent a very good testimate to how QBs should be playing.

Last edited by tatmanfish; 07-01-2011 at 05:25 AM.
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