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Old 07-15-2011, 12:06 AM   #9
GeneralMike's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2003
Re: Connection Failed! Cannot Connect to EA Servers

Originally Posted by scottiemac
Day 3 of owning the game and I'm still not able to connect to the EA Servers. The option to login with my EA account and use my online pass never even pops up in game. I'm not sure if it's just an issue with NCAA 12, but I put NCAA 11 back in and logged into the servers with no issue.

Anyone else having these issues?
I got the online pass thru on day 1, but last night and all day today, I've been having difficulty with it. If I don't remember to hit the x button when it first tries to connect to the servers, it will just sit on the loading screen while that Ben Haumiller thing about the Making of NCAA 12 and the ESPN Radio updates play intermittently.

If I try to connect online later, or go to roster share and connect that way, the same thing happens, at the point where it says something like "Getting Online Tuning Updates"

I'm on PS3, and I have tried resetting my router.
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