07-25-2011, 10:51 AM
Beat the Heat!
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Iowa
Posts: 301
Re: Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?
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Originally Posted by JaySmooov |
I'll put it like this: Just played against a guy. Ranked 104 in the nation. Used Oregon. The guy runs out of ONE formation - It has a RB, two FBs, a TE, and a OLB for some reason. Kept running to the strong side LITERALLY ALL GAME until I figured out how to stop it.
Then few times he passed, out of 4 wide, he cheesed an outside slant to #7 on Oregon. Picked off one though for a TD. I shut that down after about the second time he ran it.
THEN he comes out in some formation that has 4 QBs and 6 WRs and a CB, and they all huddle up at the ball. I don't know if it's a bug, but I know my DT was somehow called for offsides one play, and he accepted it quick. He came out in it again later, so I moved the DT and he couldn't do anything, and got a delay of game.
Let's not forget, he used a nano blitz. Told me it was in the 3-3-5 stack.
In my mind I beat him. Technically, no, because I was up 31-24 (I kicked an onside kick and got it, just to be an a-hole) and since I couldn't just stop while I was ahead and run the clock out, I tried throwing on 3rd down instead of just taking a sack. I didn't expect to get the pass off because he was nano blitzing, meaning one guy always came off the line untouched, making it impossible to make reads. You can run the ball fairly well, Jeff Demps had like 3 TDS (All outside runs I believe). I ended up giving him like 6 seconds and he did some cheesy play and threw it to Oregon's 6'5 WR and he caught it with no attempt by the DB to even at least jump, even though he was in perfect position to swat it/pick it off. I dashboarded, and he didn't get the win, I also didn't get the loss I believe.
What's the point of this rant? Basically, if EA can let these things in the game, YEAR IN, YEAR OUT, it shows they just don't give a f**k about people who want to have fun. And yes, that one game literally drained all the fun out of playing NCAA 12. This happened like 30 minutes ago BTW.
Combine that with all the bugs and glitches, and it's amazing EA is even allowed to put this crap out. Custom Playbooks that don't work (for some), roster editing/tendency bug (tendencies mean NOTHING in the game outside of QBs anyway - you tell me what's the difference between a speed RB and a power RB in game. Don't worry, I'll wait....), dynasty recruiting bug, etc.
Don't get me wrong, the game is WAY more enjoyable against the CPU, and enjoyable on all fronts. Just online, it feels like I have to beat/trick the video game as well as beat the guy you're playing.
To think, the biggest online gripe (I've heard) for NBA 2K11 was how you could drive to the hole with the Miami Heat, and they fixed that to the best of their ability. I'm not even sure EA CARES about how you play online. "Yeah, nano blitz all you want, just make sure you buy the new commissioner pack!"
If they did care, they'd address the fact that the SAME guys are on top of the leaderboards EVERY year. There are probably videos of guys doing these things; pay them off and have them find glitches in the game so they can be removed.
Part of me wants to stomp the game into oblivion, but I know I'll keep playing. It kind of feels like EA is blackmailing us IN SOME form or fashion.
I feel you....had a similar type game against some dbag who played as Clemson with NCAA 10', that was the last time I played online. I just don't have the patience for that crap.
Now of course, with offline dynasty basically broke due to the roster glitches, I'll need to find a new hobby til they patch this up.