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Old 10-04-2011, 11:23 AM   #194
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: No Improvements To Offline Association huh?

Originally Posted by Cantgetright69
So would you guys say the association mode is as good, better, or worse than last years?
I would say slightly better. They updated the off season. They didn't add anything though. Different menu and they rearranged the task. Well they did change the draft. Other than a few things looking and worded different its the same. I'm noticing all the same problems I was annoyed with last year unfortunately. Once again 2k you could have fix the problems from last year.

Basically the same though. I didn't care about it being the same I just wanted the problems fixed. 2k why take out editing age? GEEZEEEEEE. I really hope 2k can throw us a association patch. I hope they ask us for the problems or just go over this thread. I just cant figure out why they did not fix the problems. The mode is good. It could be great with some fixes. I hope 2k put their self's in our shoes and realize we are going to have to play this mode for a year.

Last edited by haloofduty; 10-04-2011 at 11:30 AM.
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