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Old 11-30-2011, 09:27 AM   #40
Sellaz32's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by PennyHard
hello everybody i'm french so it's difficult to me to understand everything.

"Current players like Jason Kidd, Tim Duncan and Grant Hill will also be re rated so you can use them at the peak of their careers" i would like to know if it's true, and if other player like them are in the same situation and who?

i would like to know if it's possible to use Dan Majerle or Kevin Johnson in exhibition mode for example if i make a game between 93 Suns and 95 Orlando Magic, or Hawks with Steeve Smith.

I'm not sure but i read on this forum that Suns 93 jerseys was available, is it true? and same question for 92 sixers jerseys.

is it possible to trade Drexler in the Houston rockets 94, or Dennis Rodman in the Spurs 98, or Terry Cummings?

Is it possible to create a team with 12 legends players?

Is the 90's court have always a half circle in the paint?

thanks you.
IF you buy the DLC, then you will be able to edit legend teams, and thus create a team with 12 legend players. You can certainly trade players who were already on the game, such as Drexler, Rodman, or Cummings. Now if you are on 360 and have bought the DLC, then you can download the new legend players, and "players in their prime" on 2kShare.
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