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Old 12-13-2011, 11:50 AM   #33
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2011
I'm pretty sure you have to have a gamertag to get them from 2kshare, since it requires xbox live. I doubt there is a league because the updated rosters don't work for online play. I also noticed that there isn't any information as far as current game scores, I guess they must not be supporting that part of the game any longer.

Also, I noticed that someone asked about removing an injury from a player. I had the same problem with Kendall Marshall. If you go in and edit the player, you can change their status. You can add or remove a redshirt, and change the redshirt type. In my case, KM was a medical redshirt, out for the season. Just made the change and now he's in the lineup.

Hope that helps.
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