I don't know how else to go about this? Breaking down what a salaried employee does and doesn't get paid for is semantics. By your logic, wouldn't sleeping count as a paid activity if Woodweaver had a really killer dream about how to revamp the throw meter? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to make this clear.
The Devs are under no obligation to post here. And they especially are under NO obligation to directly answer questions from OS members. Remember, they currently respect this site and it's members. We're hardcore here on OS and have very well thought out suggestions. Ramone, I believe, even as a Dev, is a hardcore player too! LOL! We all have a common goal and we learn from eachother. Thus, the bonds of a beautiful relationship. Creator with consumer.
Those bonds, like any, can be broken at any time. It's crucial that even in our frustration, we're polite, and well-thought out in our criticism and complaints. They offer US that respect. Always. Let's all continue to do the same (I'm not specifically singling you out, by the way. Just making a broader point).