01-18-2012, 11:48 AM
OVR: 31
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 2,261
Re: Some MLB 12 The Show Diamond Dynasty Details Have Arrived
Yet most people are getting their panties in a bunch over a third party revealing? How does that make sense? So many people are quick to vilify the mode even before it's revealed by the actual developer. Hasn't SCEA earned a little leeway in regards to explaining themselves before everyone jumps ship saying that they are disappointed in the mode?
I will concede this, it may have been leaked, but I'm sorry, unless I hear it from a first-party source, I'm not believing what Amazon put up as a feature on their website to try and sell the game. You can remain negative about it, but there is still hope that this isn't what the mode is exactly. Until the fact sheet comes out with the Diamond Dynasty explanation on it or Ramone comes on here and tells us that this is EXACTLY what the mode is, I'm not going to be disappointed all that much.