Any particular reason you won't see it? I watch it every time it's on TNT.
Haven't seen...
- Star Wars (all six)
- Forrest Gump
- American Beauty
- Goodfellas
- LOTR trilogy (though we saw and read long snippets of the first one in a literature class of mine, and it just didn't appeal to me in the slightest)
- The Big Lebowski
- Braveheart
- Rocky (all six)
- L.A. Confidential (aiming to see this one really soon)
Over winter break I had finally seen all eight Harry Potter films, so if this thread was made in early December, they would have also cracked the list.
I know a couple of those films aren't that big, but they are either popular or highly acclaimed in some shape or form, and I just haven't ever tried to see them.