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Old 03-13-2012, 07:08 PM   #10
Just Bad at Everything
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K12 Game Modes Reviewer Impressions

Originally Posted by timmymvp6
i agree I have The Show it is so much better and the controls in 2K12 are confusing. I have done a power swing with Pujols and he barely hits the ball close to the warning track. I hope this is 2K's last year making baseball games.

Smh...this is a 2K forum first off, and I believe that the first rule of these forums is that there can be no mention of "The Other Game"

Secondly, Not to sound snide or like I'm trying to be rude but can we please think and give something a fair chance before we criticize? Play for more than an hour before we rule this "the worst game ever". And while some people may not like the 2K controls, saying they are confusing is the wrong word for it. The controls are very intuitive and can be learned in a half hour or so. And if that's not for you, there is an option to go to classic controls which is quite easy to find. Too difficult for you is the correct word you were looking for, which is fine...just don't deceive individuals who haven't played the series yet into thinking they are confusing, as they aren't.

Thirdly, I want to talk about the bolded part. You take issue because you couldn't hit the ball to the warning track with Pujols on a power swing...let me tell you something: there is more to hitting a ball than swinging for the fences every time. You can't guarantee a power swing automatically makes the ball travel further and not include factors such as timing of the swing, and the pitch you swing at. Any baseball game that lets you do that without taking those factors into account is an unrealistic one. You have to actually time the ball out and swing at good pitches to drive the ball. If the logic presented in this post was true, guys like Pujols would just "Power Swing" every time and hit 100+ HR in a season. If you want that, go play The Bigs 2.

My issue is with people who played the game for less than a day critcizing it. Whenever someone who hardly touches a game criticizes it, I really draw issue to it. All I hear is this:

And I hope they make 2K13, because this year's title is a solid improvement on year's past and I think VC is really making excellent progress considering how awful 2K9 and 10 were. 11 was decent and 12 is pretty good, has definite replay value in my opinion (and in the opinions of many respected people around this site)

Rant over, sorry for being that guy but the last comment really rubbed me the wrong way and I don't want people representing this game in a negative light without giving it a fair chance. And no, I'm not a 2K fanboy (because I know that's the first defense coming for people)...I was one of the most critical people of them last year and in year's past. Give them some credit instead of undeservedly bashing them into the ground.

EDIT: I just re-read this rant lol, wanted to make it clear I AM NOT talking about the reviewer here, he did an excellent job and I am not implying he didn't give this game its fair chance, I'm referring to the others here
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Last edited by TheNumber35; 03-13-2012 at 07:21 PM. Reason: clarification
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