03-29-2012, 03:48 PM
Live your life
OVR: 49
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Posts: 23,277
Re: NCAA Football 13 Sights and Sounds Interview Questions
1. Have they fixed the player models to better represent their weight and size ? As in there is very little difference between a lineman player model and a WR player model or QB player model. Also there needs to be better representation of a muscular armed/legged player from a skinny armed/legged player.
2. Do you uniforms actually get dirty this year ? INCLUDING the WHITE UNIFORMS ?
3. Does the field degrade this year and does the field look better ? Last year in NCAA 12 grass fields looked terrible and didn't even look like grass, where s in NCAA 11 grass fields looked much better. Speaking of fields, did they fix the logos in the middle of the field this year ? Last year in NCAA 12 when you played in coach mode in broadcast cam view, most of the schools logos in the middle of the field was upside down.
4. Did they fix the magical invisible force field between players and objects ? A lot of times a player hand or foot could be a good yard or 2 away from the ball but yet could make contact with the ball. I noticed this a lot on punts and when DB would swat the ball away from the WR. When in reality when you looked at the instant replay it clearly showed they were a good 2 feet away from the ball and physically never touched it.
5. Is there a visual difference between a speed back running the ball from a power back ? Is there a visual difference between a pocket QB scrambling and a Scrambling QB scrambling ? As in not everybody in the game moves, stands or throw the EXACT same way like it always has been ?
6. Are the colors on the jerseys and every thing really faded this year like it was in NCAA 12 ? Everything looked faded and washed out in NCAA 12.
7. Did they increase the size of the field ?
8. Halftime show ? Post game show ?
9. Dynamic sounds ? Last year it really didn't sound any different from playing at Michigan or Ohio St then playing at Army or Duke.
10. Interactive sidelines ?
11. Dynamic commentary ?
12. Did they get rid of that god awful push tackle animation that the CPU seem to do 90% of the time in NCAA 12 and Madden 12 ?
13. How many new animations does NCAA 13 have ? And I actually mean NEW. Since animations is a VISUAL thing.