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Old 04-01-2012, 10:25 PM   #107
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Re: If You Could Change One Thing - Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by TNT713
I wouldn't tack this on to another mode... I'd propose this to be a standalone mode for people who wanted to prefect the techniques they need in a game as an alternative to the current practice mode that assumes players already have the skills to execute the play.

If a player doesn't pass the first stage of training camp, the coach doesn't install another play and they get to keep working to perform the play according to a standard NOT SET by the user. If a user passes, he gets to decide what play the coach installs next.

In essence, the coach says: "Run it til you run it right!"

I like this idea, a stand alone mode would be good...that way those who want to perfect their stick skills can do so, and those who really don't have the time to do so can skip it without penalty.

I'd love to see it put in to Madden. Granted, this mode wouldn't be all that effective until the on-the-field gameplay and physics are fixed. Hard to teach football technique and execution correctly (with the proper rewards) when the players aren't even playing and reacting like humans.
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