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Old 05-01-2012, 12:54 PM   #10
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Good post JP and to continue on going speculation in this thread the Impact Engine in M12 had elements of physics represented. So it's not shocking to hear someone mention physics in general but it's mighty funny to me that the devs haven't.

It would seem if there hasn't been some kind a major upgrade to the physics elements for tackling in M13, the devs would have given us the usual, "we tuned it" line. However, we have this article mentioning what the writer seems to believe is an upgrade, yet no mention of physics from devs. Same thing applies about DPP because this is the first writer I have seen mention the seeming upgrade of player personalities as well.

Why would something that was clearly a part of M12, elements of physics represented in the Impact engine and DPP, go unmentioned by devs if it isn't part of the reveals slated for M13?
I think last weeks reveal was more about presentation, then the actual engines. Granted they touched on passing and what not. But tackling has been greatly improved. It's not the huge jump we saw when gang tackles were introduced. But it's a lot better. Not as much bouncing off defenders. Defenders really wrap up guys now. I can't remember in any older Madden title seeing defenders actually wrap up runners legs. And as far as impact goes, it's been toned down, not as many whacky flipping through the air tackles that jsut look out of place. There are still big hard hits, and a defender dropping a shoulder will cause a runner to go flipping over them.
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