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Old 05-01-2012, 11:49 AM   #9
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Glad you guys found my write-up. If you have any questions let me know. I can go into a bit more detail for you.

I spent about 3 hours with the game last week at the cover unveil. It was a very early build, and really about showing off the presentation and some of the engine changes.
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Old 05-01-2012, 11:54 AM   #10
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Good post JP and to continue on going speculation in this thread the Impact Engine in M12 had elements of physics represented. So it's not shocking to hear someone mention physics in general but it's mighty funny to me that the devs haven't.

It would seem if there hasn't been some kind a major upgrade to the physics elements for tackling in M13, the devs would have given us the usual, "we tuned it" line. However, we have this article mentioning what the writer seems to believe is an upgrade, yet no mention of physics from devs. Same thing applies about DPP because this is the first writer I have seen mention the seeming upgrade of player personalities as well.

Why would something that was clearly a part of M12, elements of physics represented in the Impact engine and DPP, go unmentioned by devs if it isn't part of the reveals slated for M13?
I think last weeks reveal was more about presentation, then the actual engines. Granted they touched on passing and what not. But tackling has been greatly improved. It's not the huge jump we saw when gang tackles were introduced. But it's a lot better. Not as much bouncing off defenders. Defenders really wrap up guys now. I can't remember in any older Madden title seeing defenders actually wrap up runners legs. And as far as impact goes, it's been toned down, not as many whacky flipping through the air tackles that jsut look out of place. There are still big hard hits, and a defender dropping a shoulder will cause a runner to go flipping over them.
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Old 05-01-2012, 11:56 AM   #11
pats3912's Arena
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

If you read the whole article it sound more like they have really just spent alot of time improving the collision system. Which i dont think would be a bad thing if a true "physics engine" was left out. I thought the introduction to the collision system last year was a positve step in the right direction and I would assume they are just going to keep building on that. If it feels right and the animations make sense to whats happening on the field then I dont have a problem with that approach. EA has continued to make it public that they have doubled the size of the development team, so I'm sure the collision system from last year is gonna be alot smoother and more realistic.
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Old 05-01-2012, 11:58 AM   #12
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by StickSkillz
Maybe their waiting to speak about it in more detail June 4th for the "Gameplay Part 2" section
That's what I am thinking and is the point I was trying to make. Ever since that situation with Madden 10 and Ian coming out telling everyone what he hoped to get in the game but couldn't, EA/Tiburon seems to try to tamper expectations better.

The general line for the last 3 years pre-release has been, be silent about what they have overhauled or done major improvements to but mention "tuning" or "that's on the radar" for those things they couldn't. I just don't see how they can discuss defensive, passing and catch upgrades but not mention tackling, if it's not slated for June 4th. Notice they took the usual line with regards to OL/DL interaction and the EA Game Changers are talking about tuning defensive PI, zig-zag running, along with all manner of other things but hardly anybody is talking about physics upgrades.

When people presumably "in the know" seem to be avoiding discussing the elephant in the room, it tends to draw my attention to it, even more. lol
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Old 05-01-2012, 12:02 PM   #13
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by Magaman
Glad you guys found my write-up. If you have any questions let me know. I can go into a bit more detail for you.

I spent about 3 hours with the game last week at the cover unveil. It was a very early build, and really about showing off the presentation and some of the engine changes.
Nice writeup man. So you are the first writer I have see mention what seems to be evidence of a DPP upgrade, with regard to player personalities. Can you elaborate more on that?

Also, did they come out and say anything about what build you were actually playing? There has been a lot of discussion here about the full upgrades slated for June 4th may not be present in these early builds, what do you think?
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Old 05-01-2012, 12:06 PM   #14
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by Magaman
Glad you guys found my write-up. If you have any questions let me know. I can go into a bit more detail for you.

I spent about 3 hours with the game last week at the cover unveil. It was a very early build, and really about showing off the presentation and some of the engine changes.
Also, in reference to Taz's post, do you think that weight and momentum carried over much to actual player movement?

Also, do you personally have any issues with the way players moved in last years game, Madden 12 and if so what?
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Old 05-01-2012, 12:06 PM   #15
Senator Palmer's Arena
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Originally Posted by Magaman
Glad you guys found my write-up. If you have any questions let me know. I can go into a bit more detail for you.

I spent about 3 hours with the game last week at the cover unveil. It was a very early build, and really about showing off the presentation and some of the engine changes.
Can you talk some about what you saw from the line interactions? I know it's been tuned, but I'm looking for something a bit more specific. How was the edge pressure? Was there the patty cake animations where the ends almost look to engage the tackle and get stalemated once contact was made, or did they continue to press the edge after contact, continue to move up the field even after they were engaged.

Did you see the edge rushers use any secondary moves after they were engaged? Did they attempt any inside moves, or spin moves?

How did the offensive tackles look? Did they magically slide out to meet the end, or did they actually step out in a more natural kick slide to mirror the moves of the ends.

Does the pocket form better for the QB to step up or do the DTs still dominate?

Did you play as a 3-4 team? If you did, were you able to get pressure with your OLBs without manually controlling them?

How was the foot planting and movement? Do you see players' speed change when they make cuts?

Specifically, when you controlled a defensive player, were you able to mirror the moves of a ball carrier when they cut back, or are they still allowed to cut on a dime (with no respect to weight) in the hole and get away? I guess what I'm asking is do the CPU controlled offensive players have weight when they are making turns up the field?
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Old 05-01-2012, 12:08 PM   #16
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jpdavis82's Arena
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Re: vgrevolution madden 13 hands on

Thanks Magaman

What stood out to you as far as the commentary and presentation? Did you notice any different presentation for a sunday night or monday night game vs a noon Sunday or 3:15 Sunday afternoon game?

What did you think about the halftime presentation?

Have they fixed it where players don't bump into each other all the time as they walk back to the huddle post play?

Have they added a lot of new cut scenes for the pre and post game? Does the game feel like Madden 12 or something brand new?
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