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Old 05-03-2012, 11:48 AM   #35
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Re: How does it feel to have feedback utilized in Ncaa13

Originally Posted by SalutationsNJ
Sir, I'm on 35,000 different forums it seems but the one thing that was constant was that OS was only about dreadlocks and 3D grass. OS being one of, if not, the biggest sports gaming site out there has the strongest pull out of all of them. Many have complained about OL/DL interaction for years, penalties for years, LBs making crazy leaps for years, -- what happens? 3D grass and dreads make it in but while we still have these other issues. That 'Dread' thread made the loudest noise on one of the biggest sites -- it quickly drowned out what others were asking for... for the past few years. That thread made it seem like that was our only concern around here.

Now I'm not mad at the addition ( I actually like it ) but I don't think that should become an OS battlecry this year.

And technically that thread showed everyone that if we can jump on something as passionate ( or small ) as dreads, EA will listen. I just don't want a 'Short Dreads, No Peace' thread dominating the boards
But here's the thing...a lot of the issues you mention were also issues on the PS2 football games. We've always heard people complaining about offensive line and defensive line interaction. We've always heard people complaining about the lack of penalties. The difference, as I said, from those issues to the dreadlock issue is that it was an issue of something we had previously and then they took it away.

I agree we don't need threads on here to get different sorts of dreadlocks and hair. I do think we need that but I also don't think it's worth the "battlecry" of simply having dreads. However, I think we should all be able to agree that we should have a thread demanding EA give us back everything we had on the old-gen in the next-gen.

It's also scary to think that it took that much effort and bitching to get dreadlocks back again and here we are about to go from the 360/PS3 generation to the next-generation and we're still missing a ton of features from the Xbox/PS2 days. If we lose a bunch of stuff again on this next transition the game will become even more bare-boned.
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