05-21-2012, 12:39 AM
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OVR: 35
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 19,391
Re: Battlefield 3
Yeah, don't get caught up in KDR. If you're playing the objective and being a good team mate, you will usually be in a good position and come out with a positive KDR, without even trying.
Seems like that's all you hear on COD. People constantly trashing other players because they don't have a bunch of kills. I think the Battlefield community is a little more accepting of those who are either new to the game or aren't as good, because there will always be someone out there who is better than you. If someone is on my team, I'm more concerned with them helping the team and being a good team mate, rather than how many people they are killing.
As far as dying a lot, be sure to try to stay in or near cover.. try burst firing your guns, rather than just laying down on the trigger and stick with your squad mates. There are some guys on here that play the 360 version, so I'm sure you could find some guys to squad up with.
Last edited by AUChase; 05-21-2012 at 01:22 AM.