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Old 07-13-2012, 02:03 AM   #70
No need for Titles
MarvellousOne's Arena
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Re: Will NBA Live 13 come out at all?

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
This is basically what I want to know. What are people looking for in a bball game? You are not going to find a game that has basketball down completely, there's going to be flaws. I wanna see certain things improved, but in no way are they game killers. Passing in 2K, in no way is as bad as some people make it out to be though it should be marked as a primary area of improvement going into development. Rebounding? I have no problem with the rebounding in 2K. However if you're longing for the return of Live because of 2K's rebounding then something is wrong here. Live's rebounding is horrid. For one thing players tend to lean out on the ground as if they're about to Superman takeoff before awkwardly jumping for a board that they don't come close to getting or someone else takes from them. Fouls are still rarely called in Live, guys still move guys out of the way with no whistles on layups/drives to the basket, you can't play passing lanes in Live because you can't steal a pass in mid air or bounced.

Truth be told, Live 10 was really a garbage game in terms of basketball titles, however the bar had been so spectacularly lowered with every other Live before it this generation that the small improvements that were made to take the game in the right direction has made the title overhyped.
Eh it was a decent game, it had a lot of flaws like every live title on this gen or any basketball game period. I won't say it was complete was heading in a positive direction and was a good base product for EA to build off of, but like EA does with so many of there titles they scrape it and start a new 3 year plan that seems to never make it past year 2 before being scrapped again.
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