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Old 07-23-2012, 04:10 PM   #125
Tyrant8RDFL's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by leoribas3
what the hell people ? all we know about the game is that the passing game is
more advanced and realistic now ? thats ALL we know about the damn game...

I share your fustrations, but having a solid passing game is very important. Im sure the game will offer more than a solid passing game.

2k annoys me with its passing game.

Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
I have personally met Scott once and had a lot of interaction with him via twitter. He is a very knowledgeable and likable guy. Hopefully they can out his knowledge to good use.

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I'm with you on this. I really hope EA can translate his knowledge of the game accurately into NBA Live 13.

Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Five Strategies that can make LIVE 13 great:

5). Superior Online play. (no lag or drops during games that occur frequently in 2K)
4). In-depth Dynasty mode! Or Career mode. Legend's Fantasy Draft. '92 Olympic team as an unlocked feature.
3). Glitch FREE. No bugs at all. I mean NONE. At this point in the game, there really shouldn't be any. NextGen games have been out for 7 years. No reason to keep seeing the same glaring/annoying glitches found in other sports games.
2). Make the sliders as real to a live NBA game as possible.
1). From a marketing view: release it a week after 2K, and price it at $49. Profit margins won't be as good, but you'll make up for it in volume.

Note to EA: bring back NCAA BB. And please include the option of exporting the collegiate players into LIVE 13. Do that, and I guarantee you'll be back "In The Game."
Once I read the 3 option I had to stop reading. Why would you even put something like this on the list?
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