
Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

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Old 07-22-2012, 10:16 AM   #121
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

I hope LIVE 13 has SIGNATURE dunks.. No generic bull like Elite 11. I really hope they've implemented that this year.
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Old 07-23-2012, 12:43 PM   #122
scottyp180's Arena
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I am a little surprised by the lack of news and info for both games. Madden, NHL, and even Fifa have been releasing a lot of info, screens, and videos for the past couple months; however it is a little over 2 months until the release of the NBA games and there is little info about either title. I was expecting EA and the NBA Live team to come out swinging this year knowing they have something to prove but the longer they keep quiet the more I suspect a lack of confidence in their title. They hyped the **** out of Elite and it was garbage...I wonder if they are afraid to over sell their game at the risk of fans being utterly disappointed. I have a feeling that 2K is just waiting for EA to make the first move and show something off so 2K and throw a counter punch and blow Live out of the water. 2k has said that they feel like this year was a big step for the game, saying its a similar leap as 2k10 to 2k11, so I am expecting a lot from them this year. Can't wait to see what both games have to offer.
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Old 07-23-2012, 01:05 PM   #123
22cedric's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

NBA 2K team said that NBA Lives return doesn't affect them & that NBA 2Ks competitors are themselves do you think that the NBA 2K team is being a lil cocky or over confident ?
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Old 07-23-2012, 01:11 PM   #124
scottyp180's Arena
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Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Agree to disagree I guess. I think Live 10 was better than 2k10 in nearly every way. Better player control, better passing, better contact animations, and most importantly, more realistic stats. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Live 10 is the ONLY basketball game I've ever owned that produced realistic stats when playing 12 min quarters, right out of the box with no slider adjustments. With 2k I spend more time tinkering with sliders than I do playing the game, which gets really old and frustrating.

I'll give 2k credit where it's due, they knocked 2k11 out of the park, and 2k12 was a good, not great, game. I guess for me it's just about wanting something new and refreshing. I saw that brief gameplay demo of 2k13 a month or so ago, and honestly I couldn't tell the difference at all between it and 2k12. Same crappy dribbling, same crappy collision animation, etc. I stopped playing 2k around January this year out of sheer boredom, so the thought of another nearly identical game coming next year just doesn't excite me....at all.

I'll agree that the lack of gameplay footage so far worries me about this year's Live, but it's gonna have to be really bad for me to not at least give it a chance. Hopefully it's at least good enough to, as you said, compete with 2k and force their hand a bit in the innovation category.
I have always preferred 2k over Live and I can remember playing the demos for 2k10 and Live 10 and not knowing which game I was going to purchase. I ended up going with 2k10 but looking back I think I would have enjoyed Live more. After 2 years without Live I admit that I am also getting bored with 2k. Its not a bad game by any means and there is a lot I like about it but I the same time there has not been any big game play enhancements over the past couple years. The control has been tweaked and improved, as well as presentation and animations being updated but it is not making the changes that a lot of the other sports games are making, NHL, FIFA, and now even Madden (the game that is notorious for being the same year in and year out) have made gameplay changes over the year, most notably new animation/physics engine which make the games look, feel, and play better and more realistically. Yet 2k is still on the same engine from dreamcast. Based on 2ks history I am not going to hold the E3 footage against them because early 2k footage typically looks nothing like the finally product; however I am 2k can deliver with something that, at the very least, feels and controls better than past games.

I'm in agreement with DBMcGee3 that I am ready for something new and different. I won't buy into Live13 just because its something different than 2k, it needs to prove that it is at least on par with Live13. For 2k however I am expecting a lot; I am done buying 2k for little tweaks that seem almost unnoticeable after playing for about a month. if neither game impresses then this could be the first year in over 10 years that I go without buying a basketball game.
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:10 PM   #125
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by leoribas3
what the hell people ? all we know about the game is that the passing game is
more advanced and realistic now ? thats ALL we know about the damn game...

I share your fustrations, but having a solid passing game is very important. Im sure the game will offer more than a solid passing game.

2k annoys me with its passing game.

Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
I have personally met Scott once and had a lot of interaction with him via twitter. He is a very knowledgeable and likable guy. Hopefully they can out his knowledge to good use.

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I'm with you on this. I really hope EA can translate his knowledge of the game accurately into NBA Live 13.

Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Five Strategies that can make LIVE 13 great:

5). Superior Online play. (no lag or drops during games that occur frequently in 2K)
4). In-depth Dynasty mode! Or Career mode. Legend's Fantasy Draft. '92 Olympic team as an unlocked feature.
3). Glitch FREE. No bugs at all. I mean NONE. At this point in the game, there really shouldn't be any. NextGen games have been out for 7 years. No reason to keep seeing the same glaring/annoying glitches found in other sports games.
2). Make the sliders as real to a live NBA game as possible.
1). From a marketing view: release it a week after 2K, and price it at $49. Profit margins won't be as good, but you'll make up for it in volume.

Note to EA: bring back NCAA BB. And please include the option of exporting the collegiate players into LIVE 13. Do that, and I guarantee you'll be back "In The Game."
Once I read the 3 option I had to stop reading. Why would you even put something like this on the list?
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:23 PM   #126
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by 22cedric
NBA 2K team said that NBA Lives return doesn't affect them & that NBA 2Ks competitors are themselves do you think that the NBA 2K team is being a lil cocky or over confident ?
Ask this question to yourself : how many years do you think it takes to have a polished baketball game that gamers can appreciate?

Hint: Live hasn't been competetive since Live 2005.

Last edited by Muzyk23; 07-23-2012 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 07-23-2012, 04:07 PM   #127
NikeBlitz's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

It's not really fair to compare what could be NBA Live 13 to NBA 2K12. I'm pretty sure the passing was very high on their "things-to-improve-list".

NBA Live will need consistency through the years. I'm glad O'Gallagher played in Europe, he knows the fundamentals and the balance between core basketball and flashing lights.
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:06 PM   #128
22cedric's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by bifflefan30
I wonder if we'll see a all-star weekend event or just the all-star game in NBA Live 13. Has anyone heard of anything or all-star weekend?
i'm sure that it will since @hiphopgamer mentioned it to a NBA Live developer.
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