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Old 08-07-2012, 01:19 AM   #746
Danknugmelo's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2010
Re: The Official How's Your Dynasty Going Thread NCAA 13

Just starting the 2028 season with Wazzu. Was the HC at FSU for my first 6 seasons and won 3 NCs. Won 4 NCs in a row at WSU so far. Just signed a 4 year extention.

Its been WSU vs Bama every year for the past 4 for the NC. Pretty boring. Wanted to leave WSU but you just don't get any good job offers at the HC level during the carousel. Def broken.

Sticking it out for another 3-4 seasons at WSU and then gonna take the most interesting job offered after that. Nothing more to do at this school.

I sim just about every game. I'll play one or watch a CPU vs CPU every now and then.
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