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Old 08-09-2012, 11:21 PM   #5
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Jarodd21's Arena
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Re: coaching sliders=fixed screen issue/deep ball issue

Originally Posted by Chedapalooza
i dont think so, authentic is on ps3 and he "tested extensively" bull**** the guy released 3 slider sets in like a week.. thats not extensive enough for one set.. but thats neither here nor there. fyi---- cranking up cpu on varisty and reducing human is not a slider set. an 8 year old could accomplish that. im tired of these guys with their fancy collabs and pretty thread set ups.. when it comes down to it, theyre not producing anything special. all i want is the game to work and be sim football. not some button mashing adjust this/tweak that boom heres a slider set.. only to have it break a week later. thats not good work.

Damn Cheda you went in man.. Haha! You can't let all of that get to you like that man.. I've told you plenty of times through PMs that you should create you own sliders and stuff because you do alot of testing and you like things a certain way..

I might need to test out your theory when I get home.. I haven't been able to do any testing in the last couple of days because I been at the hospital with my newborn baby but when I tested out Arks coaching sliders the other day something just didn't feel right with the few games I played. The CPU wasn't playing too good. I also had one of my friends testing out the coaching schemes at his place and he was lighting up the scoreboard on good teams but I want to give it a few more games before I start tweaking the coaching schemes to my liking and figuring out how they work..
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