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Old 08-10-2012, 11:45 AM   #125
Tradition Football
RynoAid's Arena
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Re: You don't play online? Why?

Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Honestly people make game scheduling way harder than it needs to be. EVERY LEAGUE that is respectable has a set advance schedule. Look ahead to the next week after you finish your game and post "Browns vs Steelers" " Hey man I am available M-W 8pm est til Midnight... lets get this in".

Problem is some people think that their opponent should wait by the console and play at the drop of a hat. Or they are too good to contact their opponent to schedule... those guys get booted from the league immediatley. Its about showing respect to each other and realizing that everyone in life is busy. Its really not hard.

yea really, never found scheduling to be an issue if you're in a league that goes at consistent pace that matches up with your ability to play. My CCM will be a Saturday/Wednesday night advance.. so 2 games a week. With a couple forum posts, it's easy to find a time over 3 day period that matches up with my opponent for most part.

I will usually do something offline as well to fill in the random voids. But i like to play FIFA clubs and I am looking at NHL too this year with GM Connected so those other games might fill the rest of my gaming hours.

I have 2 kids, coach two sports, have a full time job and also help run TSO. Scheduling my games is really the only way i can roll, i have to plan everything to get it all in during the week.
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Last edited by RynoAid; 08-10-2012 at 11:49 AM.
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